Saturday, December 18, 2010


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Mathilde Roussel-Giraudy

“When absent, the body of someone becomes the negative space of the objects left behind, the artist says. “Tracing and mapping absence, shadowing the contours of a vanished presence, Empreinte reveals the imprinted sensations of a missing being.”

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Panos Tsagaris

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Alexandre Oudin

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Jennifer Wolf

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Jan Tichy

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Ariane Litmman

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Adeela Sulman

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Aharan Ozery

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TV Moore

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Iori Tomita

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Daros Films

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Antonio Gonzales Paucar

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Julie Eilenberger

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Felix Klee

Die Gewalt Des Regens

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Tomáš Gabzdil

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Intricate wire sculpture by Chinese artist, Shi Jindian.
This kind of thing just blows my mind.

“I don’t like hard, heavy materials like bronze, stone and clay. I have a fondness for fine and delicate things.” --Shi Jindian

Thus, it goes without saying where the inspiration for his pieces comes from.
In interviews he mentions that the intention behind his pieces is to convey a sense of calm and serenity.

The pieces are created by wrapping wire around each individual piece and then either removing or destroying the original object, leaving behind only the wire shell.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Candid photography is easiest when the photographer themselves goes unnoticed, unobserved, or generally ignored or disregarded...and yet, Milton Rogovin defies that. While many of the subjects seem somewhat stiff or awkward, standing stock still or forcing a smile, there's still a definitive sense of personality and gumption, if you will, that he's managed to capture. It's that angle, it's that moment, it's the surroundings, and perhaps it's his relationship with his subjects...or maybe it's simply because of the subjects he's chosen--proud, hard-working, won't-take-shit-for-nothing middle and lower class Americans. Reserved, but defiant. Condescension suspected, and yet, open and genuine all the same. Their eyes scream "This is me. Take it or leave it."